The Playful Den

‘Mum Guilt’: curse of the modern mother

There are many practical things that have made it easier for parents today to raise small humans; the inventions, the child-friendly facilities, the ways of connecting to other parents, the endless experiences, the world has been opened wide to family life


Why I quit my big girl job to #liveplayfully

Welcome to my new office. The office of…life? Instagram? Blogging? Creating? Inventing? Dreaming? Who knows? I’m sure I’ll figure out what comes next.


How to playfully build a social media profile

I have been asked to share my tips and thoughts on building a presence online.


Power of Play – Amy

This is the first in our series of blogs that are written by you. They are your stories about the impact that play has had on your lives.


A baby. A pandemic. And a business exit. The story of a working mother of 3 having an identity crisis and opting to #liveplayfully

This month marks a year since I stepped aside from leading the agency, The Pineapple Lounge, that I conceptualised and then brought to life (with help) over 11 years. It was a difficult decision to leave and yet at the same time an easy one.


I’m going to start a toy company. And I invite you all to come watch me fail!

I have just returned from a trip to London Toy Fair. What a treat to go and do some networking and be around real life humans outside of their screens!


Why mothers dream about a solitary pee in peace

It is always curious to me the references that stick within the shared narrative of modern motherhood. Those watercooler moments we can gather around. The in-jokes, the nods of knowing, the references which heed a – ‘yep I totally hear ya sister’. 


